Carb(onara) Loading in Paris
Les grèves in Paris continue...*
I've been averaging seven miles a day on foot since last Thursday to get to and from my food tours, but this morning I had a long walk across the river for a cheese workshop, and as an added bonus there was a huge protest march this afternoon, so it took me almost two hours to get home after being rerouted due to closed bridges and roads.
The entire time I was walking (and hungry!) I was focusing on two things; one was not getting run down by the inexperienced cyclists and trottinette drivers, and the other was making a giant bowl of comforting, filling spaghetti carbonara for dinner when I got home.
And a giant bowl it was! I should have invited several friends over to share it with us. (However, I know I'll appreciate the leftovers when I get home tomorrow night!)
*There are a few more days of strikes (grèves) predicted, but hopefully things will get back to normal by this weekend.
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